

Here, I begin a new series of informative posts. These are pivotal conversations from my past. Each of these conversations taught me something important about life. I hope that you will find them similarly educational.

Mum: Now, hognogger, do clean your teeth before you go to bed.
Little hognogger: Yes, mum. <GOES TO BED WITHOUT CLEANING TEETH>

Day dawns.

Mum: I know you didn't clean your teeth last night, hognogger.
Little hognogger: Yes I did!
Mum: Well, you didn't. Do you know why you should clean your teeth, hognogger?
Little hognogger: You get fur on your teeth and this makes them go all rotten inside.
Mum: Yes, but that is not the real reason.
Little hognogger: <LOOKS CONCERNED>
Mum: If you don't keep your teeth clean, you will have to go and see the bad people.
Little hognogger: <LOOKS ALARMED>
Mum: Yes, the bad people. The bad people will drill holes in your head until your face collapses. Then, they will take everything you earn for the next 10 years, and your children will be forced to wear rags and eat grubs.
Little hognogger: <RUNS TO BATHROOM>


Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh heh heh heerrr what would Audrey say? ;)

10:50 p.m.  
Blogger hognogger said...

That I should have spent more time cleaning my teeth.

8:46 p.m.  

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